Bitumen penetration test

OBJECTIVES           i.             To determine the consistency of bituminous material.       ii.             To assess the suitability of bitumen for use under different climatic conditions and various types of construction. APPARATUS REQUIRED         i.          A penetrometer consisting of a needle assembly with total weight of 100 gm and device for releasing and locking needle in any position.       ii.          A graduated dial gauge to read the penetration value.     iii.          Penetration values can be read with this dial up to 0.1mm.     iv.      ...

Bagmati Irrigation Project

Bagmati Irrigation Project
  • .        Bagmati Irrigation Project (BIP): Established in June 2010
  •        It came into normal operation from July 2013.
  • .         It has command area of 122000 Ha.( Phase I : 68,000 Ha and Phase II: 54000 Ha)
  •       Total design discharge=10500 m3/sec which is a sum of design discharge 8000 m3/sec and       by pass channel discharge 2500 m3/sec.
  •       Its canal design discharge is 34000 lt/sec. 
  •       Its   major source is Bagmati river.
  •            The construction cost of this project is NRS 37,809,610.25 aided Saudi Development Fund.
  •            Its annual operation and maintenance cost is 467,321,000 NRs. (Government, 2072 )
  •            The barrage has total length of 403.50 m with a duty of 1.3 lt/sec. It has total 30 nos. of gate     of dimension 9*3m. Also, it has 6nos of under sluices of dimension 9*4m. Similarly, it has 2     nos. of fish ladder of dimension 1.5*4m. In the eastern side, it has 7nos (4*2m) of head             regulator with maximum discharge of 74.4 m3/sec and in the western side it has 5 nos.               (4*2m) of head regulator with maximum discharge of 48.4 m3/sec.
  •          Aside from the problems inherited from Kathmandu, the middle reach of the basin with steep    slopes and degraded watersheds is prone to severe landslides and floods which threaten both   infrastructure and settlements, cause increased rural poverty and are the source of heavy     sedimentation for the lower reach. (ADB, 24 June 2017) So, the under sluices are provided for   the minimization of sedimentation problem. Likewise canal head regulator were provided for   the prevention of entry of silt in the canal. Similarly, silt ejectors are also provided on the canal for silt control.
  •      In this irrigation project, the diversion headwork used is the permanent one with weir and barrage structures.
  •          The components from the headwork to the canal outlet:
a.       Weir proper
b.      Under sluices
c.       Divide wall
d.      Fish ladder
e.       Canal Head Regulator
f.        Weir’s ancillary work i.e. gate
g.      Silt regulation works such as silt ejector
Canal head regulator

Off taking canal

Divide wall

General information of BIP

Fish ladder

Bypass canal

River training works

Monuments for Chinese gentlemen's who lost their life while constructing BIP


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